
Mong Reththy Group MRG is the largest agribusiness company in Cambodia and one of the top 5 companies in Southeast Asia.


The success of MRG comes from the use of modern equipment, the proper recording of partnership with many international companies,
including the efforts of more than 10,000 employees who adhere to Corporate Code of Conduct.


Under the image of competitiveness and potential leadership, Mong Reththy Group has received a number of products and
expanded business activities to set up some branches in the Kingdom of Cambodia.

Palm Oil Plant/Farm- Cambodia
 Large (30,000ha+)  ,  Medium (3,000ha+)  ,  Small (300ha+)  Individual

Cambodia Palm Oil
 http://www.mricop.com.kh/      http://www.mongreththy.com/index-en.html    
MRT    Phone : 023 211 065    Fax : 023 216 496
Address : 152S, Preah Norodom Boulevard, Sangkat Tonle Basac, Khan Chamkarmon,
Phnom Penh, Postal Code 12301, Kingdom of Cambodia.


1ha 公顷   = 1 平方hectometer = 10000m2平 方米  = 15are  = 2.47acres英 畝
1acre 英畝 =  4047m2平 方米    = 6.07are亩,  1km2平 方公 里  = 100ha公 顷 = 247.1acres英 畝        
     = 666.6m2平 方米, ExchangeRate 3-20-2022.. US$1 = Rmb6.36

1 公顷油棕每 年最 多可生产大约5吨的 油脂   ...   300x5=1500mt/yr   abt 120mt/mo. (Small )

03-2022: Vic Ò»ÖÖÐ

About Us   Brief History

It all started with a simple dream of H.E. Dr. Oknha Mong Reththy to boost the lowered morale of the Khmer people brought about by the country's civil war.
He dreams not only for his own but for most of the Khmer people who have lost hope for the future.
From this thougth, Oknha Mong pave the way to find ways and means to be of help to his fellow countrymen by giving them means of living through agriculture,
and that gave birth to Mong Reththy Investment Cambodia Oil Palm Co., Ltd. (MRICOP).
He worked hand in hand with the Government and was granted a parcel of land for concession which he used for the plantation of Palm Trees.
H.E. Dr. Oknha Mong Reththy broaden the horizon of the business by opening the doors of MRICOP to international investors.

MRICOP is a legal entity established under the applicable laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia,
which is a joint venture company between MRT (Cambodia) and TCC (Thailand).
Since then the MRICOP has been establishing an oil palm plantation on 11,000 hectares of land which is located in Choeung Kor commune, Prey Nop district, Preah Sihanouk province. The above-said land is concession granted by the Royal Government of Cambodia.
This concession Land Contract was made between Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery and MRICOP
on January 9, 1996.
To date, we have planted a total of 7,051 ha of oil palms and operate a 30 t/hr CPO mill.

Mong Reththy Group (MRG) was established by HE Dr. Mong Reththy on January 1, 1989.

RSPO Commitment

Mong Reththy Investment Cambodia Oil Palm Co. Ltd. (MRICOP) is a pioneer in the oil palm industry in Cambodia.
It aims to play a leading role in the development and promotion of sustainable practices in the palm oil sector.

MRICOP has identified that sustainability is a very important market opportunity for it, both locally and globally.
Its commitment to sustainability is further strengthened by the Company’s decision to implement agricultural,
environmental and social practices according to the RSPO Principles & Criteria in its operating units.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) is a multi-stakeholder platform which aims to promote the production,
procurement and use of sustainable palm oil. As an associate member of the RSPO,
we fully support the objectives of the RSPO and would continue to play an active role in promoting sustainable oil palm production.

Our aspirations would not be possible on our own and to realise our objectives we need to engage ourselves
with all our stakeholders, in order to help us achieve our targets for sustainable development.
We welcome positive feedback and are open to dialogue at all times.


The information below could be made available upon written request
by Email ( it_nop@live.com ) or at the following contact address:

Head Quarter Phnom Penh Office:

#52, St.598, Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Tel:(855)23 986 438 / Fax:(855)23 986 439

 Contact Person :
Mr.Sumate Pratumsuwan

Managing - Director MRICOP/MTSI
Email: sumate.p@tccagroindustrial.com


National Road 4, Sangkat Cheung Kor, Khan Prey Nop, Preah Sihanouk province, Kingdom of Cambodia.

Contact Person
Mr. It Nop
Email: it_nop@live.com:

Mr. Lay Rithy
RSPO Division Manager
Email: rithy.edu@gmail.com

1. Land titles / user rights

2. Safety and health plan

3. Plans and impact assessments relating to environmental and social impacts

4. Pollution prevention plans

5. Details of complaints and grievances

6. Negotiation procedures

7. Continuous improvement plan  


Core Policy

There are five core company policies which covering all the aspects of business operations as follows :

1. Company Policy

2. Occupational Safety and Health Policy

3. Social Policy

4. Environment and Biodiversity

5. Ethical Conduct and Respecting Human Rights Policy

6. No Expansion and Forest Protection Policy

Head Quarter Phnom Penh Office:

#52, St.598, Sangkat Boeung Kak II, Khan Toul Kork, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Tel:(855)23 986 438 / Fax:(855)23 986 439
Contact Person :
Mr. Sumate Pratumsuwan
Managing Director
Email: sumate.p@tccagroindustrial.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mr.Prachak Kongtanomtham

Email: prachak.k@tccagroindustrial.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


National Road 4, Sangkat Cheung Kor, Khan Prey Nop, Preah Sihanouk province, Kingdom of Cambodia.

Contact Persons:
Mr. It Nop          
GM - Plantation
Email: it_nop@live.com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mr. Lay Rithy
RSPO Division Manager
Email: rithy.edu@gmail.com


   #152S, Preah Norodom Blvd., Sangkat Tonle Basac, Khan Chomkarmorn, PhnomPenh, Cambodia.


   +855-23 211 065


TCC Group

Mong Reththy Group